Issue No. 29 - Mental Health/Substance Use Coercion and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in Family Court

September 2023

This short brief explores the issue of mental health and substance use coercion amongst IPV survivors, and subsequent implications for those involved in the family court system. The information in this brief is based on the webinar: Substance Use Coercion and Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in Family Court, featuring Dr. Carole Warshaw (Director, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma, & Mental Health), Breena Murray (Family Lawyer, Patersons LLP), and Colleen Allan (Executive Director, St. Raphael Wellness Centre). The brief specifically provides information on the intersection of IPV, mental health, and substance use; ways to support survivors experiencing mental health and substance use coercion in the family court system; and challenges and barriers to treatment for survivors with addictions.

Please, see the brief below for more information.

Click here to view the brief Issue No. 29